Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Laptop "fn key locked" prolblem

The "fn key locked" on your labtop.
This solution to fixing Fn key locked on your lobtop, that while typing letter (ex.  p-> *, o->6, i->5) .

This is because the digital lock is activated.
- press Fn + NumLk ,  Fn+Shift+NumLk
- IBM , press Shift + Scorll Lock Num
May be depending on  your computer model.

Friday, December 2, 2011

import source to cvs repository

Upload source file to CVS Repository
Command :
cvs import -m ”Initial import into CVS” MyProject MyOrganisation Version_๐

1. Change directory to source directory example “d:\Backup\URMTCL”
#cd d:\Backup\URMTCL

2. D:\Backup_\URMTCL>cvs import -m "init import into cvs" URMTCL start

note. Setting CVSROOT for command
Set up “CVSROOT” variable environment to CVS Repository directory
( Windows) MyComputer > properties > Advance system and setting
In System properties > advance (tab) > > Environment variable

New System property
Value : d:/CVSrepositoryDir

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Remove HTML image borders Links

HTML No Borders Around Image Links

Using CSS :

Using standard html :

If you want to remove the borders from all your images at once, with this css:

Friday, November 28, 2008

Implement SSL in Microsoft IIS

Create a certificate request

First, the Web server must make a certificate request. To do this, follow these steps:
  1. Start the Internet Service Manager (ISM), which loads the Internet Information Server snap-in for the Microsoft Management Console (MMC). To do this, click Start, point to Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Internet Service Manager or Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
  2. Double-click the server name so that you see all of the Web sites. In IIS 6.0, expand Web Sites.
  3. Right-click the Web site on which you want to install the certificate, and then click Properties.
  4. Click the Directory Security tab, and then click Server Certificate under Secure Communications to start the Web Server Certificate Wizard.
  5. In IIS 6.0, click Next. If you are running IIS 5.0, go to step 6.
  6. Select Create a new certificate and click Next.
  7. Select Prepare the request now, but send it later and click Next.
  8. Type a name for the certificate. You may want to match the certificate name to the name of the Web site. Now, select a bit length; the higher the bit length, the stronger the certificate encryption. Select Server Gated Cryptography if your users may be coming from countries with encryption restrictions.
  9. Type your organization name and the organizational unit (for example, MyWeb and Development Dept). Click Next.
  10. Type either the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) or the server name as the common name. If you are creating a certificate that will be used over the Internet, it is preferable to use a FQDN (for example, Click Next.
  11. Enter your location information, and then click Next.
  12. Type the path and file name to save the certificate information to, and click Next to continue.

    Note If you type anything other than the default location and file name, be sure to note the name and location you choose, because you will have to access this file in later steps.
  13. Verify the information that you have typed, and then click Next to complete the process and create the certificate request.


Submit a certificate request

The certificate request that you just created needs to be submitted to a Certificate Authority (CA). This may be your own server with Certificate Server 2.0 installed on it or an online CA such as VeriSign. Contact the certificate provider of your choice and determine the best level of certificate for your needs. There are different methods of submitting your request. Contact the Certificate Authority of your choice to request and receive your certificate. You can create your own certificate with Certificate Server 2.0, but your clients must implicitly trust you as the Certificate Authority. The steps below assume that you are using Certificate Server 2.0 as the certificate provider.

Note The IIS Certificate Wizard will only recognize the Default Web Server template. When you select an Online Enterprise CA, the Authority will not be listed unless the CA is using the Default Web Server template.
  1. Open a browser and browse to http://YourWebServerName/CertSrv/.
  2. In IIS 5.0, select Request a Certificate and click Next. In IIS 6.0, click Request a certificate.
  3. In IIS 5.0, select Advanced Request and click Next. In IIS 6.0, click advanced certificate request.
  4. In IIS 5.0, select Submit a Certificate Request using a Base64 and click Next. In IIS 6.0, click Submit a certificate request by using a base-64-encoded CMC or PKCS #10 file, or submit a renewal request by using a base-64-encoded PKCS #7 file.
  5. In Microsoft Notepad, open the request document that you created in the "Create a certificate request" section. In IIS 6.0, you can also click Browse for a file to insert.
  6. Copy the contents of the document. The contents should resemble the following:
    Note If you save the document with the default name and location, it is located at C:\Certreq.txt.

    Note Be sure to copy all of the content just as shown.

  7. Paste the contents of the document into the Web form's Base64 Encoded Certificate Request text box.
  8. Under Certificate Template, select Web Server or User, and then click Submit.
  9. If Certificate Server is set to Always Issue the Certificate, you can access the certificate immediately. To do this, follow these steps:
    1. Click Download CA Certificate (do not click Download CA Certificate path or Download certificate chain).
    2. When you are prompted, select Save this file to disk and save the certificate to your desktop or another location that you will remember. You may now go directly to the "Install the certificate and set up an SSL Web site" section.

Issue and download a certificate

To issue a certificate in Certificate Server, follow these steps:
  1. Open the CA MMC snap-in. To do this, click Start, point to Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Certificate Authority.
  2. In IIS 5.0, expand Certificate Authority and click the Pending Requests folder. Your pending certificate requests appear in the right pane. In IIS 6.0, expand the server name.
  3. Right-click the pending certificate request that you just submitted, select All Tasks, and then click Issue.

    Note After you select Issue, the certificate is no longer displayed in this window and folder. It now resides in the Issued Certificate folder.
  4. After you have issued (and authorized) the certificate, you can return to the Certificate Servers Web interface to select and download the certificate. To do this, follow these steps:
    1. Browse to http://YourWebServerName/CertSrv/.
    2. On the default page, select Check on a pending certificate and click Next. In IIS 6.0, click View the status of a pending certificate request.
    3. Select your pending certificate, then click Next to go to the download page.
    4. On the download page, click Download CA Certificate (do not click Download CA Certificate path or Download certificate chain).
    5. When you are prompted, select Save this file to disk and save the certificate to your desktop or another location that you will remember.

Install the certificate and set up an SSL Web site

To install the certificate, follow these steps:
  1. Open the Internet Services Manager and expand the server name so that you can view the Web sites.
  2. Right-click the Web site for which you created the certificate request and click Properties.
  3. Click the Directory Security tab. Under Secure Communications, click Server Certificate. This starts the Certificate Installation Wizard. Click Next to continue.
  4. Select Process the pending request and install the certificate and click Next.
  5. Type the location of the certificate that you downloaded in the "Issue and download a certificate" section, then click Next. The Wizard displays the Certificate Summary. Verify that the information is correct, then click Next to continue.
  6. Click Finish to complete the process.

Configure and test the certificate

To configure and test the certificate, follow these steps:
  1. On the Directory Security tab, under Secure Communications, note that there are now three available options. To set the Web site to require secure connections, click Edit. The Secure Communications dialog box appears.
  2. Select Require Secure Channel (SSL) and click OK.
  3. Click Apply and then OK to close the property sheet.
  4. Browse to the site and verify that it works. To do this, follow these steps:
    1. Access the site through HTTP by typing http://localhost/Postinfo.html in the browser. You receive an error message that resembles the following:
      HTTP 403.4 - Forbidden: SSL required.
    2. Try to browse to the same Web page using a secured connection (HTTPS) by typing https://localhost/postinfo.html in the browser. You may receive a security alert that states that the certificate is not from a trusted root CA. Click Yes to continue to the Web page. If the page appears, you have successfully installed your certificate.

Monday, September 15, 2008

How to Creating a Windows service : Glassfish V2

Creating a Windows service for Glassfish V2 :

With GlassfishSvc.jar

Ryan de Laplante has contributed a simple command line tool that makes the creation of a Windows service effortless. Download GlassfishSvc.jar(info) (source)(info) and copy it into your Glassfish installation path (such as C:\Program Files\Sun\GlassfishV2\), then run the following command from the command line:


C:\Program Files\Sun\GlassfishV2>java -jar GlassfishSvc.jar -i

glassfishsvc v1.0 (Aug 19 2007)

Service name : GlassfishAppServer
Glassfish installation path : C:\Program Files\Sun\GlassfishV2
Glassfish domain : domain1
Glassfish admin username : admin

Installing service... Done.


The -i argument will install the service with default options. A complete listing of the command line arguments follows:


glassfishsvc v1.0 (Aug 19 2007)

Installs and uninstalls a Windows service for Glassfish

java -jar glassfishsvc.jar [-i | -u] [OPTIONS]

-i Installs a Windows service for Glassfish.
-u Uninstalls a Windows service for Glassfish.
-n name Name for the Windows service. Use double quotes around names
that contain spaces. Defaults to GlassfishAppServer.
-d path Directory where Glassfish is installed. Use double
quotes around paths with spaces, and escape back slashes.
Defaults to current directory.
-m domain Name of the Glassfish domain to start and stop. Defaults to
-a user Glassfish admin user name. Defaults to admin.
-p pwd Glassfish admin password. A password.txt file will be created
in the Glassfish install directory containing the password in
plain text, and the Windows service will be configured to read
from it. This is usually not necessary. If no password is passed
in, the password.txt file will not be created.

java -jar glassfishsvc.jar -i
java -jar glassfishsvc.jar -i -p adminadmin
java -jar glassfishsvc.jar -i -n MyServiceName -d "C:\\Program Files\\Sun\\Glassfish" -m myDomain -a admin5 -p secretpwd
java -jar glassfishsvc.jar -u
java -jar glassfishsvc.jar -u -n MyServiceName

Ryan de Laplante

Cluster Profile

If you installed the Glassfish cluster profile then Glassfish will ask for the admin password as the service starts. To get around this use the -p option when installing the service. A password.txt file will be created in Glassfish's root directory containing the password in plain text. The Windows service will be configured to use this file so that it can start unattended. You should make sure to configure appropriate NTFS security on this file after it is created so that unauthorized users do not have read or write access to it.

Windows User Log-out

By default the JVM catches signals from Windows that indicate the OS is shutting down, or a user is logging out, and shuts itself down cleanly. This means that the Glassfish service will be shut down any time a user logs out of Windows. This defeats the purpose of having a Windows service so we need to turn off this JVM feature by using the -Xrs JVM option.

Open the \domains\domain1\config\domain.xml file and locate the section that has a lot of some JVM option lines. Add the following line in that section:


Save and close domain.xml. If the Glassfish service is already running, restart it for the change to take effect.

Note: There have been reports that adding the -Xrs jvm-option to domain.xml does not solve this problem on some Windows 2003 Server installations. The reported solution is to add the jvm option to \lib\processLauncher.xml:



Saturday, April 5, 2008

NetBeans IDE 6.1 Beta Information

NetBeans IDE 6.1 Beta Information NetBeans IDE

The NetBeans IDE is a modular, standards-based, integrated development environment (IDE) written in the Java programming language. The NetBeans project consists of an open source IDE and an application platform, which can be used as a generic framework to build any kind of application.

Release Overview

The NetBeans IDE 6.1 release provides several features and enhancements, such as rich JavaScript editing features, support for using the Spring web framework, tighter MySQL integration, and better mechanisms for projects to share use of libraries. The acclaimed support for Ruby/JRuby has been enhanced with new editor quick fixes, a Ruby platform manager, fast debug support for JRuby, and many other new features and fixes. By popular demand, the bean pattern and JSF CRUD generation features that were missing in the 6.0 release have returned. In addition, early versions of new modules, such as ClearCase support, are available as plugins. This release also provides improved performance, especially faster startup (up to 40%), lower memory consumption and improved responsiveness while working with large projects. See below for a list of features in this release.

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